Fundraise for Stewart's

We have several fundraising options including Amazon Smile and Facebook led fundraisers.

Facebook Fundraiser

One easy way to support Stewart’s Caring Place is to host a Facebook fundraiser. Setting up your fundraiser is a quick and easy process. Facebook does not charge any fees for donations to nonprofits—every cent raised will go to Stewart’s!

To set up your own fundraiser for Stewart’s, follow these steps:


  • Navigate to Stewart’s Caring Place, sign into Facebook
  • Set your fundraiser parameters: on the left of your screen there will be a section titled “Details” which will allow you to identify your:
    • Fundraising dollar amount goal
    • Customize the title of your fundraiser
    • When you want to end your fundraiser (usually set for two weeks but you can extend or shorten as desired)
    • Custom message prepopulated with text. We suggest personalizing this message if you can to share why you think Stewart’s is important. Feel free to share anything you’re comfortable with about why you’re fundraising for Stewart’s here.
    • You can also update your fundraiser cover image here; you can use a suggested alternate cover from Stewart’s Facebook page or upload your own.
  • Click Create and you’re all set! Your fundraiser will automatically post and you can share the fundraiser on your page and invite your friends to donate throughout the campaign.
  • Once your fundraiser ends, Facebook will handle sending the donation details to Stewart’s.



  • Open the app, ensure you’re signed in and and click “What’s on your mind?” to begin to create a post.
  • Scroll down underneath the text box to the last emoji titled “Raise Money” and click.
  • Search for Stewart’s Caring Place and click.
  • Write your custom message and click “Post”.
    • We suggest writing something personal about why you want your friends to donate to Stewart’s, perhaps how Stewart’s has helped you or someone you love on a cancer journey.
  • Once you click Post, Facebook will share to your timeline and Facebook will immediately begin collecting donations which will be tracked on the fundraising thermometer on your post!
  • You can reshare this original post as much as you’d like to show your friends how much has been raised so far
  • Facebook will handle sending the donation details to Stewart’s at regular intervals

Other Ways to Give


Tangible Donations         Monetary Donations

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